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MARCO POLO High school English Up board

                      SUMMARY OF THE LESSON
WHO WAS MARCO POLO: Marco Polo was a young man who lived in Venice With His father Nicolo Polo And Uncle Maffeo Polo
DANGERS OF TRAVELLING: In those days travlling was very dangerous. Robbesrs Looted the travller and killed them .
MARCO POLO REACHED CHINA AND MEET KUBLIA KHAN:After facing the difficulties of the way,Marco  polo reached peking with his father and uncle and met the Emperor Kublai Khan. The emperor warmly welcomed them.
MARCO POLI BECOME THE EMPEROR'S FAVOURITE :The emporer of China Kulbai Khan Trusted Marco oilo greatly.He was made the governor of an importent town.The emporor sent Marco Polo to many for -Awy places on his behalf.He was sent to Ceylon to bring rhe sacred tooth of Bhuddah for the emporor.
MARCO POLO WANTED TO RETURN TO HIS COUNTRY:In 1290, Marco polo wanted to return home as he had been in China for fifteen years.But The emporor did not allow him to go back.
A FAVOURABLE CHANCE :However the emporor allowed him to return home.its reson was that a princess of the emperor's faimly was to be sent for marrige to persia so the emloror allowed him to return home with condition that he should accompany the princess as a guide to prrsia

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