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5 Fact About Eid ul Adha

1-: Pronounced Eid ul adha is also know as the feast of scrifice or Greator Eid it is a major islamic festival that takes place at the end of the Hujj.

2-: Hujj is the pilegram to mecca it's the fifth piller of islam and the therefor important part of islamic faith. the hajji pilgram where simple white clothes cald ihram which promot the bond of islamic brotherhood and sisterhood by showing that everyone is equel in the eyes of Allah.

3-: Eid ul adha commemorets when Allah Appeard to Ibrahim in a dream and asked him to scrifiec his son an the act obidence. as ibrahim was about to do so. Allah Stoped to him and gave him to kill instead Muslim Remember this occasion through donating and gifting meet to the poor. needy freinds and faimly. A version of the story also appears in the torah and in the bibles old testament (Gensis 22)

4-: During Eid ul adha many Muslim attends prayers service at a masjid. The also perosnlly greet or sent eid card to faimly members. Freinds give gift to childrean. Many also donate to charity that benifit the poor. Mosque or other group may arrenge communal meal were food divided faimlyand freinds.

5-: Eid Mubarak as common greeting uses to offer best whises during Eid ul Adha

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