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baitullah ki chabi kiske paas hai|islami waqia|IslamicMotivate

 For over 16 centuries, before the acquaintance of Islam with the world, the grandsons of Qusai container Kilab receptacle Murrah had practical experience in focusing on the Kaaba, including keeping its keys. One of the parts of the canister Murrah family was the al-Shaiba clan who were given the keys of the blessed site by Prophet Mohammed in the time of the victory of Mecca. 

The Bani Shaiba or the children of Shaiba are the clan that hold the keys to the Kaaba today. They are responsible for the 'Sudnah' of the Kaaba which implies its total consideration including opening and shutting it, cleaning and washing it, and really focusing on its Kiswah or cladding. 

Within the Kaaba gets washed double a year on the first of Shaaban and fifteenth of Moharram in the Islamic schedule. Fajr supplications are acted in the sacred site of al-Haram al-Makki before the washing interaction, where just Zamzam and rose water are utilized. 

A video surfaced of the sheik of the Shaiba clan, Saleh al-Shaiba, showing the keys of the Kaaba, the Tawba entryway which awards admittance to the top of the Kaaba and Maqam Ibrahim. 

"The way in to the entryway of the Kaaba is significant generally and strictly. It has its own pocket which has green weaving and composed on I is 'For God advises you to play out your undertakings for individuals," student of history and individual from the Shura Council, Dr. Mohammed al-Zulfah said. 

He added that the key is made of metal and is 35 centimeters in length. It was changed and fostered a few times consistently. Today, the key and lock of the Kaaba are made of nickel plated with 18-carat gold while the inside Kiswah or cladding of the Kaaba is green after it has generally been red. 

Al-Zulfah said that the state of the key changes sometimes. There is a historical center in Turkey with 48 keys to the Kaaba since the Ottoman time, while in Saudi Arabia there are two imitations of the key that are made of unadulterated gold. 

Al-Zulfah said that it is custom for the way to be with the most established clan part.

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