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Up boards ESSAYS ON GENERAL TOPIC class 12

All I know is just what I read in the papers.
INTRODUCTION: Newspaper has becomea a necessity in the modern age. In the olden days people did not know much about other people living far awya from their cities Tehrw cities were thire world.but now science has made the whole wolds one city

USES OF NEWSPAPER .:There are many importent in the socity.We got news from all places daily.It wiens our knowledge.It brings us news of daily affairs.All political economic,social religious and other event come to our knowledge.

It is very importent for the businessman.He knows the prices od diffrent articals daily.The fluctution in prince of diffrent articals at diffrent places does not cause any loss to the businessman now.

Newslaper  is also helffull to the unemployed persons. They read the vacancy column thus it help them in getting jobs.

It also gives inforfation about games and sport.Those who are intrested in games and sport get full information of the games.plyed in diffrent parts of the world

The modern age is the age of democracy. In a  democratic state the news paper becomes a necessity. Its role is democracy

It become all the more importent during war. People are very curious to read newspaper during this period tobknow the happenings an evil when it spereads

एक टिप्पणी भेजें

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