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PROSE First paper class 12th ENGLISH


Rammohan Roy had sounded the them with his passionate advocacy of social reform;Vivekananada repeated it with a more nationalist thimber.when he declared that the highest from of service of the Great Mother Was social service Other grat Indians.Chife of whom was Mahatma Gandhi developed the them of Social service as a religious dury,and the the development contineus under Gandhi's Successors.
Mahatma Gandhi was a looked on by many,both Indian and European,as the opitome of Hindu trandition.but this is a false judgement for he was much influnced by Western Ideas.Gandhi belived in the fundamentelas of his anicent culture,But his passionate love of the underdog and his antipathy to caste though not unprecedented in ancent india.Were unorthdox in the exterme and owed more to European 19th century liberalisam than to anything indian His faith in non Violence was as we have seen by no menas typical of hindusim his predecessor in revolt the able Maratha Barhaman B.G Tilak and Gandhi's impatient lieutenant Subhas Chandra Bose were far more orthbox in this respect.

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