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10 Intresting Fact About Ramadan You should know?

10 Intresting fact about Ramadan You should Know?

1-: The luner Calendar is 7 days shorten then a typical Gregorian Calendar, that is, the 9th month brings Ramadan.

2-: The Importence of Ramadan is that the first verses of the quran (Surah 96:Ayat 1-8) were Reveled in ramadan.

3-: 1/3rd of the quran is recited during every tarawee paryer this way,the entire Quran is Completed in 29-30 day of Ramadan in Taraweeh.

4-:The 4 men benifit of fasting for Muslim are:
A)They Purify their body and soul and become spiritually Closer to Allah
B)Feel More compassionate towards the less  fortunate and underprivileged people
C)Become more gratfull to Allah for what they already have
D)Build sens of self control and strengthen thir will powerd by resisting natural urges and temptation(such as hunger,Thrust and lust
5-:There is no penalty in islam for braking a fast unintentionally

6-:The Arbic words of Ramadan is Ramide or Al-Ramad which mean "scorching heat or dryness"

7-:The people who may be excused from fasting are those who are physically or Mentally ill,travling the erderly/senile,pregnent, and breastfeeding women

8-:it is a sunnah of prophet Muhammad S.A.W to braek a fast with dates,if dates or bot avilable,then water

9-:Muslim from All races,color, ethincity and culture are obligated to fast during The month of  Ramadan

10-:children are not obligated to fast until they reach puberty

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